The word “Veg” represents vegetarianism and “Edge” the advantages of vegetarian food, through a healthy mind and body.

Members: People of both vegetarian and non-vegetarian food habits are welcome to become members.

Objective: To promote vegetarianism by creating awareness about the positive aspects and benefits of being a vegetarian.

Eating Meetings

Veg-edge meetings will be different from meetings of all other clubs. It will be “eating-meetings”. The members will assemble at least once in a month, and enjoy eating different types of vegetarian food. It could further progress to a weekly “eat-meet”.

In Tamil there is an adage “Unnave Marundhu and marundhe unnavu”. It means “Food is medicine and medicine is food”. It was proved that only by the food one chooses to eat, he can remain healthy. Apart from the fact that vegetarian food is good for health and nutritive it is also cheaper, hygienic and harmless. In fact it is very tasty.


  • Eating meeting as the name suggests is an excuse for assembling to eat different types of old and new vegetarian dishes that are good for the taste buds, physique, mind and soul.
  • The meetings are not for just eating but learning to cook the vegetarian dishes too.
  • Every meeting will also have talks by dieticians, nutritionists and doctors to advice on the right, nutritive and balanced vegetarian diet.
  • There will also be speakers on natural (uncooked) food.
  • Eating natural food will be encouraged.
  • Members will learn about foods which have medicinal effects.
  • There will be expert cooks (professionals and members) introducing new recipes in the meetings by on-the-spot demonstrations.
  • Vegetarian cookery contests for both men and women will be conducted periodically.
  • Members will be encouraged to introduce new vegetarian dishes and share the same with fellow members
  • Discussions will be held on how to make the serving of vegetarian food ‘an art’.
  • Special cookery classes for newly weds.
  • Members will be guided to develop kitchen garden (Home Farm through Home Exnora) in their homes. See www.exnorainternational.org
  • The club will also guide members going out of their town to other parts of their country or even abroad, on where they will get authentic vegetarian food both in restaurants and hosted by vegetarians.


  • Good health
  • Learning vegetarian cooking
  • Excelling in an important human quality : Hospitality
  • Knowing and acquiring new friends.
  • Saving animals from slaughter


Persons interested in promoting vegetarianism can join and form a Veg-edge club .The number of members per club may be restricted to 50 (Minimum should be 10). More than 50 will make the Club too big and there will be a loss of close interaction between members and in their working together to further the cause. Membership will be for the entire family. The club should have members of various castes, religions, regions, languages, races, culture etc., so that they will have the opportunity to know amazing varieties of vegetarian food. Importantly each club should have among its members, people of various Nations and linguistic states. The club should have members of all age groups.

Patron Members

Donors can be made patron members

Advisory Members

Dieticians, Nutritionists, Cookery book authors, Physicians, Chefs can form part of the Advisory Committee of each Club.

Becoming a member or Forming Veg-edge Club in your Area

Participants who are vegetarians, are invited to become a member in the nearest Veg-edge Club and if it is not there, form their own and register the newly formed Club with Veg-edge International and get their Affiliation Certificate.

A Veg-edge Club could be formed anywhere: Village,Town, Residential Colony. Work Place, or in Educational Institutions

The club could also consist of members who are just friends, relatives, colleagues, or neighbours. You can give your club a unique name associated with vegetarianism. For example, you could have an Albert Einstein Veg-edge club.

To begin with large towns, can start a club and gradually launch more clubs when the membership increases, the clubs being area, or locality based..


The minimum should be Rs. 500/- per annum (US$ 15/-) per member besides the one time entrance fee of Rs. 500/-(US $ 15/-). The maximum is left to the individual clubs.

It should be sufficient to meet the “eating-meeting” expenses. The maximum is left to the respective Club (Membership). The members can also pay for the food they eat

An Option

People of Chennai and its neighbourhoods can become members in the Veg -Edge Head Quarters Club. They can be members until they can join / form a regular Veg-Edge club or form one in their place of residence / work place. The one time entrance fee and the annual subscription will be the same, Rs 500/- respectively per member. The cheque may be made in favour of Veg-Edge Headquarters Club, and sent with the application form duly filled in.




Director: Membership Development & Club Service

Director: Hospitality

Director: Cookery classes

Director: Diet (Dietician)

Director: Natural Food

Director: Medicinal Food

Director: Veg. Recipes Bank

There can be any number of Directors as needed like, Director: Cookery Contests, Director: Eating Manners/ etiquette, Director: Art of serving food Director : Sugar free Sweets, etc.

Members’ Role

Each member will be required to regularly participate in the ‘Eating Meetings’ and take active part in spreading the message. Members can also take up responsible posts in each club, viz., become a Member–in-charge of a particular Vegetarian food category like Chinese, Mexican, Continental, Italian, American, African, Srilankan, Malaysian, Thai, Rajasthani, Gujarathi, Punjabi, Bengali, Oriyan, Kashmiri, Saurashtrian, Irani, Parsi, Sindhi, Andhra, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamilnadu, Chettinad, Ramnad, Thirunelveli, Kanyakumari etc

Membership of Veg-edge Clubs with Veg-Edge International

The veg-edge clubs will be members of the head organisation Veg-edge International. The club should pay:

1) Rs.500/- /-(US $ 15/-). as one time admission fee a

2) Rs 500/- /-.(US $ 15/-). as annual subscription to the Veg-edge international. or 5% of the subscription collected from individual members, to the Headquarters to meet the administration expenses.